Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LATI-Wii gaming 5/28/08

We had our first program. It was fun. Not too many came, but maybe we need to spread the word more.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

LATI Showcase-brochure 5/27/08

Patty, Ginny and I have been fine tuning our thoughts on the GROWTH model and the brochure and the showcase display.
On Wednesday 5/28/08 at 2pm we are having our first Wii program for senior citizens
( maybe some illegal, non citizens also). Maybe I can get some pictures and comments to use with our display. It should be fun.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

I missed it -YA book and Juvenile book

I missed this and I want to blog about these 2 books.

I am a big Isabel Allende fan and I found she also writes for teens.
"City of Beasts" was a fun read but not enough fun for me to read the 2 others published later that make it a 3 book deal. I like fantasy also , but something did not click for me.

"A Dog's Life" by Ann M. Martin has become one of my favorite books. I will suggest it whenever I can.
A stray dog finds a home with an older ,single woman and the story is told from the dog's point of view. I loved it!


Reader's Advisory-If I had attended

I did read different and interesting books to discuss at Reader's Advisory. We at ACLS had already taken a reader's advisory class ,so we did not have to attend. After the day we had traveling on 4/23/08, we could'nt handle another day of being lost for 3 hours.

Resistance, a novel/ Owen Sheers Good read on obscure history during WWll in Great Britain. First novel by Owen Sheers. Hope there is another.

The World is Flat, a brief history of the twenty-first century/ Thomas L. Friedman
I listened to this in my car back and forth to work. I am now enlightened to one man's view of the way our world works.

Freakonomics, a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything/ Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.
I listened to this one also in the car.
Both authors like to turn conventional wisdom open for thought. They explored the hidden side to "everything". Entertaining and thought provoking read.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

5/15/08 It's Thursday!

John Gall's video was very interesting. His company publishes 200 books per year and they are all the same size.
To design a cover, there are some rules.
1. Read the book.
2. Inspirartion is everywhere.
3. Be thrifty with fonts.
4. Practice sound time management.

Final product is a book. Quote from John Gall, " Books are wonderful things".

My favorite cover is the first printing of "The World is Flat". The title of the painting of sailing ships going over the edge of the world is "I told you so".

5/15/08 submitted form for showcase

LATI is winding up or down ,however I want to put it. I think I have most assignments done. I am going back over my work to make sure-but, I have learned!
I submitted form for showcase to Laura today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SLRC tour LATI -May 1st ,2008

I had a really nice, educational day. I did not drive, therefore, I did not get lost. No GPS this time either. ACLS has to keep up appearances.
Pratt library is a beautiful building and Honore was outside waiting for us-a nice familiar face to greet us as she told us she would be.
I took the all day tour. Lunch was great and we had fun.
I was on a SLRC tour about 10 years ago, so it was time again. I like seeing the "behind the scenes" places in Pratt. It is good to put places and faces in my mind to sort out people who are able to help me help patrons find materials and information that they are seeking.

I went on a Library of Congress tour on May 3rd-I never tire of libraries.