Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 9

Thing #21.
Audio/visual broadcast distributed over internet automatically by RSS. Short commentaries or person interviews or group discussions. Good tool for instruction, once one "get's it".

Thing #22
Overdrive-not found.
One is able to listen or read books through the internet.

Introduction to Netlibrary

Tutorial gives intricate instructions.

Thing #23
1. It took me a while to get into swing of 23 things. Favorite thing was professor Wertz' video on Youtube. You are the Machine- Wonderful instructional video on how technology is working.
2. I am excited about what is available to learn-somewhat overwhelming.
3. That I can absorb some of this information. I am surprised.
4. A little clearer instruction right at first. Step by step at first would help. Had no idea what was expected.
5. Yes.
6. This was stimulating to see what is happening now, but I could not keep up with it all. Have feeling of being "Left Behind" [to use a pun].
This was painfully fun. Making time was difficult.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9 thing 20

[code embedable player]
second attempt!I could not copy and paste video, came up as error page!
youtube allows anyone to upload videos.
Who let the dogs out=funny dog activities.
Could be used with library websites as a teaching tool.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 8

These are great online tools (word processing, spreadsheets). Since I do not currently make use of these sites in my daily duties-I hope I remember where to find them when I do have a need.

I explored this site from wed2.0-the short list.
I created an account and found one could cataloge one's own personal library online.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 7 #17

This was not easy! Especially when I have to close all tabs and start over on every step! There was some success though .........

Judy's Favorites II

Week 7 #16

16. Wikis and ways libraries use them-
Good learning tool about library terms.
Covers ALL aspects of what a wiki is and what it does, from catagories to materials to technology . Sharing cataloged information by sharing websites.
The way info is found now is great-good old research is the basic and then find out what others have found. Add it all together and application becomes great teaching tool for staff and public.
Wiki=websites used to share info and files. Info on any subject found by people and kept accurate by people.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 6 [not 4]

13. tagging and could not view video but beginners guide was us.ef.ul understood it! yea!
seven habits of wildly successful users helped me a lot explained to me in easy terms.
there was an 8th habit: explore more.
14. technorati tour-youtube video is great

hypertext can link
defines content
text and video can be shared worldwide
we are the web
machine is us
After reading and viewing this info I concluded that I need to get my butt in gear, and be open to what is happening. I also need to bring my wisdom and knowledge on this new trip and combine new and old.

Monday, July 2, 2007

wk 4

just adding this for fun

wk 4

nice site to look at info on bichon frise dogs-but there was other stuff also.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

RSS !!!

Signing up for RSS feeds need to sign up with a reader/blog...and any info you want to come to you does.

flickr services

pictures have changed... from film to instant developing to posting digital photos on the web.

Monday, June 18, 2007

flickr Week 3

Interesting to see what can be accomplished by ordinary people with technology. 3rd party sites-I had to close all tabs every time I wanted to view or tour. It took me a while, but I get the idea about the things other people have created that I could make use of. Makes it possible to map photos with location tags. I really like the zoom capability.

Monday, June 4, 2007

7 and 1/2 habits

hardest-#1 have goal in mind.

easiest-#7 and 1/2 play.