Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lati face to face 3 hours late 4/23/08 Our faces were red!

We went wrong in Hancock!
The van had 1/2 tank of gas, so we stopped in Hancock thinking we had plenty of time. It was 6:30. When we left Hancock with a full tank and fresh coffee to drink we were talking but the GPS interrupted us. Stupidly, we listened, and before we knew what happened ( yes you might call us blonde, but old blonde) we were driving the scenic route to Odenton.
It was beautiful. Trees and flowers were all in bloom. The sun was shining. We watched young Mennonite children get on the bus for school. We rolled over the hills looking at large wonderful homes, old and new, with cows and sheep in the fields. We were enjoying this "back way". We went through a covered bridge, a one lane tunnel, and a Maryland State park. We saw no gas stations or stores-no one to ask. And the GPS was giving us directions! We did not see an interstate road anywhere. We were happy. Did I mention that all cell phone calls for advice would drop?
We were concerned when time came close to our 9:30 meeting. Nonetheless we were told by the GPS that we were 39 miles from Odenton. Wonderful! We will be a little late, but OK , we will get there. Ginny called Honore and said we would be late. Honore said not to worry. But when Patty pointed out a pretty house I said "Yes it is another ******* pretty house.
Unfortunately we (I) missed the turn to Odenton. But we had GPS, so no worries?
We knew we went wrong AGAIN when we passed Ft. Mead, BWI, and the entrance to the tunnel. Thank goodness for "U" turns. I hope there were no cameras. Then we started hoping a police car would stop us and we could tell the officer how stupid we felt, and maybe get help. No luck.
Ginny then said there is the outline of Baltimore off in the distance and we said "No, couldn't Be" HA. What did we do but continue to midtown Baltimore. No one said we had learned our lesson yet. We saw the Constellation, Camden Yard Field, Bromo Seltzer Tower (Twice ,from different angles).
Then Ginny called Honore again from a gas station near Eutah Street. The people we came across at gas stations didn't understand English and we didn't understand their language.
Honore was so gracious and she told us we were 1/2 hour from Odenton. If we could find 295. Then we started thinking maybe she meant for us to get to "95". We decided to go for any blue sign to get us out of town. We took 95 and we went right to Odenton.
We were 3 hours late, but, better late than never. We have all heard that one before.
Honore said "Here are the ladies from Allegany County". What have we done for our reputation?
We were just in time for a break and LUNCH, you know we somehow missed breakfast.
People were so nice to us and filled us in on what we missed in the morning. The afternoon was filled with books and interactive activities and games. Lots of helpful info on intergenerational programming.
One librarian was nice enough to tell us she had a new GPS and got lost coming to the meeting, but she came a day early. She had the dates mixed up, so she had a dry run or rehearsal. That was kind of her to share when we felt so stupid.
After the meeting, with precise directions from many people we left Odenton for home. We drove home with NO problems because we turned off the GPS. Do ya think we need a tutorial on GPS?
Although we are doing just fine with LATI, our directional skills are lacking.
Patty ,Ginny, and I have been informed that Maryland AND Lisa are going with us on the SLRC tour on May 1st. But we know our way to Baltimore-I guess we have to EARN the right to go by ourselves, and I don't blame them. We welcome the company. See you May 1st!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Whole New Mind/Pink 4/21/08

I read Chapters 1-3 and I will read the rest soon. This subject matter about gray matter does interest me. Part One-The concetual Age.
Chapter one-Right brain rising. Provides an overview of the key differences between our left and right hemispheres and explains why. Makes no difference, right brain or left brain, one is not better than the other. Right hemisphere interprets emotional content, intuitive answers, perceiving things holistically. A side dish to the main course of true intelligence. What distinguishes us from other animals is our ability to reason analytically. Right side takes in everything, left side takes in order, sequentially. Right side is the picture and the left side is the thousand words.Right side isspecializes in text, right side specializes in context. Left-analizes details,right side synthesizes big picture.
1. What is whole point of first chapter? To make us realize we need both sides working together to use intelligence.

Chapter two-Abundance, Asia, and Automation.
Author makes point to appeal to the most left-brained amoung us. Three social and economic forces-Abundance, Asia, and Automation- are nudging us into the conceptual age. MBA versus MFA. MFA is the new MBA.
Three forces have tilted scales in favor of R-Directed Thinking. Abundance has satisfied the material needs of millions-boosting the significance of beauty and emotion and accelerating individual's search for meaning. Asia is now performing large amounts of routine, white collar, L-Directed work at significantly lower costs, thereby forcing workers in the advanced world to master abilities that can't be shipped overseas. And automation has begun to affect this generation's white collarworkers in much the same way it did last generation's blue collar workers, requiring L-Directed professionals to develope aptitudes that computers can't do better, faster, or cheaper.
2. How can the worker develope skills to compete with the changes that are always evolving? Be ready to learn whatever new way of thinking is developing.

Chapter three-High concept, High touch.
We,as a people, have moved from Agricultural Age, to Industrial Age, To the Information Age (We are now in Info Age) and we are moving into the Conceptual Age. We have moved to economy based on people's backs to an economy built on people's L-Brain to what is emerging today: an economy built on people's R-Brain. We still need L-Brain but in combination with R-Brain. Conceptual-we need a whole new mind. High tech is not enough. Supplement our well-developed high tech abilities with abilities that are high concept and high touch.
Create artistic and emotional beauty, to direct patterns and opportunities, to craft.A satisfying narrative and to combine seemingly unrelated ideas into a novel invention. High touch involves the ability to empathize, to understand the subtleties of human intraction, to find joy in one's self and elicit it in others, and to stretch beyond in pursuit of purpose and meaning.
3. Does the SAT way of testing need to be updated? Yes, to capture the new way of thinking-there needs to be a new way to test for skills.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

LATI 4/15/08

I just printed out feedback responses for Business, Subject resources, Search tools, and Reader's advisory. At this point I am enjoying this too much-BUT don't ask me if I need "Additional information/practice".


widget At home under table 4/15/08

widget At home under table
Originally uploaded by frbrjudy
This is my buddy Widget-he is also my password to many things. Conversations and techy things.
Some call him chunky. I never would, he is the sweetest boy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

LATI 4/9/08

I seemed to be just coasting along and today when I tried to log in-I could not. Actually it was a relief. I needed a break.
I was going to finish up my Googling tutorial and questions--I will do it later.
