Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 9

Thing #21.
Audio/visual broadcast distributed over internet automatically by RSS. Short commentaries or person interviews or group discussions. Good tool for instruction, once one "get's it".

Thing #22
Overdrive-not found.
One is able to listen or read books through the internet.

Introduction to Netlibrary

Tutorial gives intricate instructions.

Thing #23
1. It took me a while to get into swing of 23 things. Favorite thing was professor Wertz' video on Youtube. You are the Machine- Wonderful instructional video on how technology is working.
2. I am excited about what is available to learn-somewhat overwhelming.
3. That I can absorb some of this information. I am surprised.
4. A little clearer instruction right at first. Step by step at first would help. Had no idea what was expected.
5. Yes.
6. This was stimulating to see what is happening now, but I could not keep up with it all. Have feeling of being "Left Behind" [to use a pun].
This was painfully fun. Making time was difficult.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9 thing 20

[code embedable player]
second attempt!I could not copy and paste video, came up as error page!
youtube allows anyone to upload videos.
Who let the dogs out=funny dog activities.
Could be used with library websites as a teaching tool.