Monday, March 31, 2008

LATI March 28, 2008

I spent 4 hours Friday adding to my modules-lost some input-had to put in again. I was lucky, there was a sub working who took the desk. I took advantage of the help and got a lot done. Yes, Ruby did have frequent breaks. She needed them, but so did I. Somewhere, sometime, someone said LATI would only take an hour or so each day. I must be slow!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

LATI 3/20/08 Puppy Talk

I tried to set up a typekey or typepad account-could not. So I will post to my blog instead.
We have all thought our transaction was over only to find that we skipped something in the interview.
Sometmes I feel like the"Spanish Inquisition" from Monty Python with patrons. But maybe that is what is needed to be able to pull out of a patron what they cannot express until further prompting reveals what they are really looking for.

Key question would have been-What is it you want to know about Chesapeake Bay Retreivers?
We have all been guilty of assuming that a patron actually wants what they are asking for. We have to learn how to pry their question out of them in a friendly way.

Monday, March 17, 2008

LATI March 17th

Yes, I am Irish! Happy Day!

I just posted a couple items on modules. Duh! You should post more than once under some subjects or modules. I get it now, about time.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3/13/08 annotation World Almanac

Although the print is very small and I need good light the World Almanac is a must for quick, concise information on countries, people and events, et cetera.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

LATI 03/12/08 project/coaching

Patty, Ginny and I met with our supervisor today and discussed our project for LATI showcase. In an effort to promote the Senior segment of our community we will establish and monitor a monthly meeting called "Wii Wednesdays".
This will be the first program in our library system focused entirely on senior citizens.
We plan to conduct monthly one hour programs interactive with senior citizens using the Wii gaming system.
The last Wednesday of each month will be set aside for this activity. Dates: May 28th, June 25th, July 30th, Aug. 27th all @2pm. Our goal is to encourage Seniors of our community to make use of the library and maybe discover other things the library has to offer them.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Reference work 3/06/02

Looking in the reference books and deciding the scope, organization, purpose of each book and then critique in my non-professional way is a bit taxing today. Then come up with a question and answer it and site the source and then enter this info into module is work intensive. I understand the reason for it all-but, it is Friday. Yes I am learning. Dammit.